What kind of spider understands arachnophobia ?

Given free will but within certain limitations,
I cannot will myself to limitless mutations,
I cannot known what i would be if i were not me,
I can only guess me.

So when i say that i know me, how can i know that ?
What kind of spider understands arachnophobia ?
I have my senses and my sense of having senses.
Do i guide them ? Or they me ?

The weight of dust exceeds the weight of settled objects.
What can it mean, such gravity without a centre ?
Is there freedom to un-be ?
Is there freedom from will-to-be ?

Sheer momentum makes us act this way or that way.
We just invent or just assume a motivation.
I would disperse, be disconnected. Is this possible ?
What are soldiers without a foe ?

Be in the air, but not be air, be in the no air.
Be on the loose, neither compacted nor suspended.
Neither born nor left to die.

Had i been free, i could have chosen not to be me.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Demented forces push me madly round a treadmill.
Let me off please, i am so tired.
Let me off please, i am so very tired.

Le titre de cette chanson de Robert Wyatt est bien Free Will and Testament. Il se trouve que j'adore la phrase What kind of spider understands arachnophobia? Je l'adore, elle me fascine, j'essaye de la comprendre, pas sûr d'y arriver totalement, par défaut je pense à Tintin et l'île noire et à l'araignée qui effraye Milou : la petite bête fait peur à la grosse. Mais qui fait peur à Robert ?